Education (EDU)

EDU 200. Teaching in a Diverse Society. 3 Credit Hours.

This course provides an introduction to education and the profession of teaching in a democratic society. Teacher candidates explore historical, philosophical and sociological approaches to the study of education in the United States while examining cultural pluralism and its impact on the American system of education. teaching English to speakers of other languages, teaching students with disabilities and other aspects of our diverse society will be discussed. NOTE: Clinical field experiences are required. Only open to students seeking teacher certification.

Fulfills Core Requirement(s): Diversity (DIV).

EDU 205. Childhood Learning and Special Needs. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state teacher certification in Childhood/Students with Disabilities. Students will view all children within a continuum of diversity for child learning, with acceptance for differences in learning styles and rates. A focus of the course will be on the history of special education within the larger context of American public schools. The course will also address characteristics and intervention strategies for students with special needs across the curriculum. Understanding family perspectives in child learning will be examined from an educational framework. Multiple intelligence theory will be explored. A required two-hour per week field experience in a local school will provide the setting to observe and work with students from diverse backgrounds.

Prerequisite: EDU 200.

EDU 215. Learning in a Sociocultural Context. 3 Credit Hours.

This is a required course for all teacher candidates preparing for the New York state certificate in Middle Childhood Specialist, Adolescence or Adolescence/Students with Disabilities, T.E.S.O.L., K-12, and Theatre Arts, K-12. The course will provide an overview of current knowledge on individuals with disabilities within the context of human growth and development across the lifespan. It will examine how children and youth develop and learn, and learn about the common delays in the normal mastery sequence of developmental skills as well as motivation and cognitive learning theories. The course will also cover a broad range of topics related to teaching students with disabilities including but not limited to: the various theoretical models and perspectives in the field of teaching special education; the kinds and nature of exceptionalities and special needs of children and youth; cultural and socioeconomic factors and their impact on eligibilities and programming for children and youth with disabilities; and the role of the family in the special education process. Students observe the application of these ideas in a required 20 hour field experience which will provide the setting to view and work with students from diverse backgrounds in either a local middle or high school.

Prerequisite: EDU 200.

EDU 300. Integrating STEM Research and STEM Instruction. 1 Credit Hour.

This class is designed to transform STEM research projects into appropriate secondary school lessons, and also teach pre-service teachers a variety of STEM discipline-specific instructional models and best practices. Through presentation of their research findings and lesson plans, aligned wit hthe relevant Common Core State Standards and research-based teaching approaches, students in the course will be able to integrate discipline-specific research and standards-based school curriculum in their future teaching.

Prerequisite: Completion of discipline-specific research project, completion of student-teaching requirements, and approval by the instructors.

EDU 301. Instructional Technology to Support Students With Cultural, Linguistic & Special Education Needs. 3 Credit Hours.

This course prepares teacher candidates to integrate technologies in inclusive classrooms to provide differentiation and accommodations for students with special needs and culturally and linguistically diverse students. Teacher candidates will gain knowledge and skills related to integrate technology for culturally and linguistically diverse students in inclusive educational settings. The course will address the continuum of assistive technology devices, universal design for learning, use of technology for curriculum adaptation strategies, and alternatives for classrooms with limited technology. Note: Clinical field experience is required.

Prerequisite: EDU 315.

EDU 302. Special Education Processes and Assessment for Equity & Inclusion. 3 Credit Hours.

The focus of this course is the legal procedures regarding the special education process. Teacher candidates at all grade levels and content areas are required to create inclusive classrooms in which all students can succeed. Activities and reading focus on Response to Intervention, multidisciplinary evaluations, Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, and legal requirements for meeting the needs of all students through accommodations and modifications. methods of formal and informal assessments and school-based intervention teams will be discussed. Note Clinical field experience is required.

Prerequisite: EDU 315.

EDU 303. Multicultural Literacy Methods. 3 Credit Hours.

The purpose of this course is to inform students about the foundations of literacy methods for adolescent literacy development in all secondary schools. The role of basic skills, such as phonics, vocabulary development, fluency, comprehension and the reading/writing connection will be analyzed in terms of adolescent literacy development. Additionally, the theoretical framework for the course is the sociocultural perspective, a perspective that sees home, school, and community as interrelated components that inform the development of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. As a result, there will be an emphasis on a clear understanding of diverse physical, cognitive, economic, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural diversity in rural, urban, and suburban schools. Furthermore, students will complete cultural self-analyses and cross-cultural analyses to learn the meanings of ethnocentrism, cultural conflict, and the importance of authentic literacy learning assignments. This course is also designed to assist students as they participate in service learning (tutoring and classroom observations), particularly in impoverished rural and urban schools. Finally, students will gather a bibliography of multicultural literature, materials, and resources, and create strategic plans for establishing classroom content area environments that connect home, school, and community for literacy learning. This course is required for students seeking New York state teacher certification in Adolescence (7-12), Adolescence/Students with Disabilities (7-12), and T.E.S.O.L. (Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages)(K-12).

Prerequisite: EDU 315.

EDU 305. Prin & Methods of Multicultural Literacy. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state teacher certification in Childhood/Students with Disabilities, Middle Childhood Specialist and T.E.S.O.L. This course is designed to prepare preservice teacher (grades 1-12) for the implementation of culturally relevant literacy instruction for inclusive urban, suburban and rural settings. It also offers a training process for reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing instruction for diverse learners, such as those students with physically handicapping conditions, students with special cognitive and emotional needs, and students learning English as a second language. Studies will alternate between the college classroom and two hours of weekly observations and participation in school classrooms. During the time in the college classroom, the focus will be on the learning and teaching of reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing in light of theoretical perspectives and belief systems. In the school classrooms, the focus will be on students and teachers during the literacy learning process. In both settings, the preservice teacher/researcher, will explore and observe effective methods and materials including electronic texts and literacy learning computer programs; discussion and reflection will be encouraged and reported. Finally, there will be an emphasis on the use of multicultural literature across the curriculum.

Prerequisite: EDU 315.

EDU 310. Social Studies and Science Pedagogical Methods. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to focus on pedagogical methods for science and social studies instruction for elementary teaching candidates in Grades 1-6. Students will understand anti-racist, culturally sustaining, and inquiry-focused practices for pedagogy within science and social studies. They will use the New York State science learning standards as well as the social studies practices.

Corequisite: EDU 305.

EDU 315. Plan,Assessing,Managing Inclusive Clsrm. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state teacher certification. Teacher candidates will become proficient in designing and analyzing curriculum, assessment techniques and curriculum materials with special emphasis on developing units of instruction and lesson plans. Students will learn to demonstrate effective instructional methods for students in inclusive settings. Specific teaching strategies that foster success along with strategies for management of behavior in inclusive classrooms will be presented. Field work experience in a school is an integral part of this course and students are expected to spend time each week in a school setting. Successful demonstration of teaching skills on a final videotape is required for formal acceptance into the Childhood and Special Education certification program.

Prerequisite: EDU 200.

EDU 325. Teach/Adapt Curric Content Specialists. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required for all students seeking New York state certification in Adolescence and Dual Adolescence/Special Education. The focus of the course is on tools and strategies that can be used by special educators and general educators at the secondary levels to ensure appropriate curriculum planning, instruction and assessment for all students. The goal of this information is that strategies will be integrated in order to meet the various needs of all students in both general and special education settings. Emphasis will be placed on cooperative planning with a multidisciplinary team and on developmentally appropriate teaching strategies that are consistent with a student's cultural and ethnic environment. Various types of special needs will be addressed including disabling conditions; gifted, talented and creative children; limited English-proficient children; and cultural and ethnic minority children. Specific teaching strategies that foster success along with strategies for management of behavior in inclusive classrooms will be presented. Attention will be given to working with parents and ancillary personnel and making appropriate referrals. A required field experience in a local school will provide the setting to observe and work with students from diverse backgrounds. Recommended co-rerequisite: EDU 315.

EDU 335. Literacy Development in the Content Area. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state teacher certification in Middle Childhood Specialist, Adolescent, Adolescent/Students with Disabilities. Teachers in today's content area classrooms not only prepare and guide their students to learn key concepts and information, through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing, but also, lead their students toward independent learning. These content area classroom settings, based on the constructivist approach, encourage inquiry learning and cooperative learning. In this course, using the constructivist perspective, future content area teachers will learn how to encourage students to learn through literacy activities. They will analyze the processes of connecting known information to new information, formulating questions, discussing issues, and discovering unique perspectives and possibilities. Diagnosis, evaluation and assessment of all students will be discussed especially through content area resources and materials including electronic texts and computer programs.

Prerequisites: EDU 303 or EDU 305.

EDU 345. Collabor&Transition Plan Stu Spec Needs. 3 Credit Hours.

This is a required course for all teacher candidates preparing for the New York state dual certificate in Adolescence/Students with Disabilities. The focus of the course is on the transition of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities to all aspects of adult life. Preservice teachers will be placed in a field placement.

Prerequisite: EDU 305.

EDU 355. Cultural Perspect Teach Lang Aquisition. 3 Credit Hours.

This is a required course for all teacher candidates preparing for the New York state certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Using ethnographic research in education, preservice teachers will study classroom settings, (K-12), which are responsive to linguistically diverse groups of students. A major focus will be the observations, models and discussions of effective strategies for teaching the language arts to students learning English as a second language. Additionally, psychological, linguistic and cultural foundations for teaching linguistically diverse students will be examined in light of current trends in the education of language minority students. Finally, traditional materials and resources, as well as electronic texts and computer programs will be examined in light of their contributions to language acquisition.

Prerequisite: EDU 215.

EDU 365. Adapting Literacy Lrn Stu W/Spec Needs. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state teacher certification in Childhood/Students with Disabilities. This course will offer some of the approaches to the instruction of reading for students with disabilities. Principles of reading development will be explored as a foundation for all students followed by a sequence of instructional techniques for students with disabilities. Assessment and diagnosis of reading will be included. Students will become familiar with current research and practices in the field of reading instruction. A required two-hour per week field experience in a local school will provide the setting to observe and work with students from diverse backgrounds.

Prerequisites: EDU 305.

EDU 375. Strategies for Teaching Content in Inclusive Classrooms (1-6). 3 Credit Hours.

This course instructs teacher candidates on how to transform the mandated standards in elementary content areas into instructional units. teacher candidates review and apply current materials and research-based best practices to effectively plan, instruct and assess student learning in content areas in Grades 1-6. Clinical field experience in the two sites in which student teaching will occur is required.

Prerequisite: EDU 305.

EDU 376. Managing Environ for Stu W/ Disabilities. 3 Credit Hours.

This course provides participants with research and best practices so as teachers they can best manage learning environments and student behaviors in the special education classroom as well as the inclusive classroom setting. Course content and assignments will include the theoretical foundations of classroom management, and effective techniques to provide physical, emotional, and social environments that are safe, supportive, and conducive to learning.

Prerequisite: EDU 305.

EDU 400. Middle School Strategies and Technology. 4 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state certification as a Middle Childhood Specialist teacher. The course is designed to cover curriculum, instruction and assessment for students in various middle school content areas: English, mathematics, science, social studies, and languages other than English. It will focus on organization of content, assessment and management to effectively assist all students in meeting the New York state learning standard for their particular subject areas. Students will also attend a technology lab to assist them in integrating appropriate aspects of technology across their curriculum.

Prerequisite: EDU 326.

EDU 401. Adolescent Education Strategies & Technology. 4 Credit Hours.

This course is required of all students seeking New York state certification in Adolescent or Dual Adolescent/Students with Disabilities. The course is designed to cover curriculum, instruction and assessment for students in various high school content areas: English, mathematics, science, social studies, and languages other than English. It will focus on organization of content, assessment and management to effectively assist all students in meeting the New York state learning standard for their particular subject areas. Students will also attend a technology lab to assist them in integrating appropriate aspects of technology across their curriculum.

Prerequisites: EDU 303.

EDU 402. Meth Tch Esol Through Math/Sci/Soc Stud. 4 Credit Hours.

This is a required course for all teacher candidates preparing for the New York state certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This course is designed to help preservice teachers learn the theoretical foundations and methods of communication necessary for the teaching and learning of English to speakers of other languages in the major content areas of mathematics, science, and social studies. Preservice teachers will write units of study in the content areas as well as practice writing and presenting lessons. Finally they will compile materials and resources that include electronic texts and computer programs which assist in the learning of English through content area material.

Prerequisites: EDU 305.

EDU 405. Preservice Clinical Teaching Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.

This is a required course for all teacher candidates preparing for New York state teacher certification. The focus of this course is on reflection on field experiences prior to and during student teaching in order to raise tacit intuitive knowledge to a more conscious level. Classes will consist of discussions and group work, including analysis and discussion of case studies.

Prerequisite: EDU 375, EDU 401, or EDU 402.

EDU 430. Supervised Preservice Teaching (grades 1-6). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in Grades 1-6. Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the college supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 375.

EDU 431. Supervised Preservice Teaching SPE 1-6. 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in a special education setting Grades 1-6. Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the college supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 376.

EDU 450. Supervised Preservice Teaching (7-9). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in Grades 7-9. Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the college supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 401.

EDU 451. Supervised Preserv Teaching (SPE 7-12). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in a special education setting grades 7-12. teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the College supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 345.

EDU 460. Supervised Preservice Teaching (10-12). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in Grades 10-12. Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the College supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 401.

EDU 470. Supervised Preservice Teaching TESOL (PreK - Grade 6). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in TESOL settings (PreK-Grade 6). Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional, and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the College supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 402.

EDU 471. Supervised Preservice Teaching TESOL (Grades 7-12). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in TESOL settings (Grades 7-12). Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional, and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by both the cooperating teacher, the College supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisite: EDU 402.

EDU 475. Supervised Preservice Teaching in Special Education (all Grades). 6 Credit Hours.

Teacher candidates who have successfully completed the prerequisite courses will begin teaching full-time in area schools. Each teacher candidate will fulfill a teaching experience in a special education setting (All Grades). Teacher candidates will gradually assume all duties of the cooperating teacher, including instructional and non-instructional duties. Weekly evaluations will be completed by the cooperating teacher, the supervisor, and the preservice teacher.

Prerequisites: EDU 365, EDU 375, and EDU 376.

Cross-listed Courses: EDU 431