French (FRN)

FRN 102. Elementary French II. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is a continuation of FRN 101. Students will build upon the elementary skills they have acquired in FRN 101.

Prerequisite: FRN 101 or permission of the department chair.

Cross-listed Courses: FRN 102

FRN 201. Intermediate French I. 3 Credit Hours.

This course includes a review of the essentials of grammar, further study of more complicated constructions, translation into French and the reading of moderately difficult modern prose and poetry. In Intermediate French, the accent is on reading, which consists chiefly of narrative texts or plays and simple poems. Classroom audio-lingual practice can be supplemented by audio-taped material in Media Services, located in the library.

Prerequisite: FRN 102 or two or three years of high-school French.

FRN 202. Intermediate French II. 3 Credit Hours.

This course includes a review of the essentials of grammar, further study of more complicated constructions, translation into French and the reading of moderately difficult modern prose and poetry. In Intermediate French, the accent is on reading, which consists chiefly of narrative texts or plays and simple poems. Classroom audio-lingual practice can be supplemented by audio-taped material in Media Services, located in the library.

Prerequisite: FRN 201 or two or three years of high-school French.

FRN 203. Commercial French. 3 Credit Hours.

For learners of French who would like an introduction to business in France and in Quebec. The course will deal with business vocabulary and custom in such areas as economic geography, government requirements for business, letter writing, transportation, insurance, accounting and labor relations.

Prerequisite: students should have completed two years of college-level French or the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

FRN 301. Intermediate Conversation & Comp I. 3 Credit Hours.

Intended either as an alternate or a complement to French 203-204. Emphasis on pronunciation, intonation, correct expression and systematic vocabulary development. Audio-visual work, oral reports, some compositions and class discussions based on readings from newspapers, magazines and current writings of significant authors. Intended primarily for nonlanguage majors.

Prerequisite: FRN 202 or three or four years of high-school French.

FRN 302. Intermediate Conversation & Comp II. 3 Credit Hours.

Intended either as an alternate or a complement to French 303. Emphasis on pronunciation, intonation, correct expression and systematic vocabulary development. Audio-visual work, oral reports, some compositions and class discussions based on readings from newspapers, magazines and current writings of significant authors. Intended primarily for nonlanguage majors.

Prerequisite: FRN 202 or three or four years of high-school French.

FRN 303. Introduction to Literature I. 3 Credit Hours.

This course consists essentially of background lectures and the reading and discussion of edited selections from the masterpieces of representative modern French authors.

Prerequisite: FRN 202 or three or four years of high-school French.

FRN 306. French Through Film. 3 Credit Hours.

Nine feature films produced in France for the general public constitute the "texts" of this course. Although they are examples of modern film fiction, their settings include a variety of historical periods and geographical locations, providing broad insights into French culture. With its written and oral assignments based on the films viewed, the course is intended to develop analytical, listening, speaking and writing skills.

Prerequisite: FRN 202 or permission of the chair.

Fulfills Core Requirement: Visual and Performing Arts (VPA).

FRN 390. Independent Study. 1-9 Credit Hours.

A student who wishes to pursue an independent study project for academic credit must submit, prior to registration, a proposed plan of study that includes the topic to be studied and the goal to be achieved, the methodology to be followed, schedule of supervision, end product, evaluation procedure and number of credits sought. The proposal must be approved by the supervising faculty member, the department chair (program director) and filed in the dean of arts and science's office.

FRN 400. Oral Proficiency Preparation. 1 Credit Hour.

A one-credit course for the Oral Proficiency Interview that focuses on intensive speaking practice of the linguistic functions students must master to pass the OPI at the intermediate High level. It must be taken the semester immediately following their Study Abroad program. it may be taken as an Independent Study. Students who do not reach the advanced low level must retake the OPI at their own cost. Advanced low level equals B+; above this level equals A; below this level equals F.

Prerequisite: completion of study abroad requirement or permission from the department chair.

Cross-listed Courses: FRN 403

FRN 401. Advanced French Conversation. 3 Credit Hours.

Practice in oral French centering around topics of contemporary interest. Emphasis is placed on the development and improvement of functional language skills needed for face-to-face communication. French phonetics will be studied with the aim of improving pronunciation. Required for major.

Prerequisite: FRN 302 or permission of the department chair.

FRN 402. Advanced French Gram & Comp. 3 Credit Hours.

A detailed study of French grammar and usage, leading toward a mastery of the written language. Required for major.

Prerequisite: FRN 302 or permission of the department chair.

FRN 403. Oral Proficiency Preparation. 1 Credit Hour.

A one-credit course for the Oral Proficiency Interview that focuses on intensive speaking practice of the linguistic functions students must master to pass the OPI at the intermediate High level. It must be taken the semester immediately following their Study Abroad program. it may be taken as an Independent Study. Students who do not reach the advanced low level must retake the OPI at their own cost. Advanced low level equals B+; above this level equals A; below this level equals F.

Prerequisite: completion of study abroad requirement or permission from the department chair.

Cross-listed Courses: FRN 400

FRN 404. Perfectionnement Frn Conv-Comp. 3 Credit Hours.

Refinement of written and oral expression, especially the latter. Newspapers and literary texts will be utilized. Strongly recommended for all French majors.

Prerequisite: FRN 301 and FRN 302.

FRN 406. The Age of Kings. 3 Credit Hours.

The study of major French authors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is complemented by an introduction to the cultural context of the period. Special attention is given to humanism, classicism, mannerism and the baroque aesthetic as they are represented in the literary, musical and visual arts.

Prerequisite: any FRN 300 level course.

FRN 407. The Age of Revolution. 3 Credit Hours.

The study of major French authors of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is complemented by an introduction to the cultural context of the period. Special attention is given to the esprit critique, preromanticism, romanticism and the rococo aesthetic as they are represented in the literary, musical and visual arts.

Prerequisite: any FRN 300 level course.

FRN 408. The Age of Unrest. 3 Credit Hours.

A survey of 20th century French literature, which is continually exploring new directions. Emphasis is on the most successful results of experimentation in the various genres.

Prerequisite: any FRN 300 level course.

FRN 410. Staging French Theater. 3 Credit Hours.

A course in French literature in which students experience performing plays in French, some of these in front of an audience. Plays and / or scene selections taken from the repertoire of the medieval, classical, eighteenth century and contemporary French theater. Students will analyze structure, style and themes. Works selected will be studied not simply as objects for performance but also for their literary merit. Class conducted in French. Theater students and others with the requisite skills in French are also invited to enroll in this course. Fulfills core Visual and Performing Arts requirement. (VPA)

Prerequisites: Any FRN 300 level course.

Cross-listed Courses: THR 310

FRN 420. Francophone Lit Outside France. 3 Credit Hours.

New world and third-world Francophone literatures, offering insights into diverse cultures, will be studied primarily in representative authors from Africa and the Americas. Fulfills Core requirement(s): Diversity (DIV).

Prerequisite: any FRN 300 level course.

FRN 421. Climate Change, Capitalism, and Zro Dchet: the Quest for Social Justice. 3 Credit Hours.

This course focuses on climate change related to capitalism, waste, and social/racial justice. We will depart from Tunisian author Yamen Mannai's novel L'Amas ardent (2017), which focuses on the ecological disaster of bees dying to critique dictatorship and the post-Revolution greed. While this novel will be the point of departure for the course as it shows the remnants of French colonialism and the greed of dictatorship (a direct consequence of colonization), the topics will vary weekly. Students will read articles and watch documentaries/films to draw connections between climate change, capitalism, and waste. The topic of illegal immigration from Africa across the Mediterranean will be highlighted as the direct consequence of capitalist greed and climate change. This course is taught in French.

Prerequisites: Any FRN 300 level course.

FRN 430. French Civilization. 3 Credit Hours.

A study of French history and culture, emphasizing their influence on contemporary France and their contributions to Western civilization. Required for major.

Prerequisites: FRN 302, FRN 401, or FRN 402.

FRN 440. Special Topics in French. 3 Credit Hours.

A selection of courses to provide an opportunity for study of certain specific periods, themes, genres, authors or linguistic topics. Offered in accordance with current student and faculty interest.

Prerequisite: FRN 301- FRN 302 (formerly FRN 201- FRN 202).

FRN 440C. Civilization of Quebec. 3 Credit Hours.

A study of Qubec, through its history, geography, arts and literature, political, and social structures. Various social justice concepts, such as human rights, equality, equity, and the status of minorities, will inform our study of historical events as we consider a number of questions. What happens when the colonizer becomes the colonized? What are the consequences when cultural imperialism becomes a guiding principle of government? Do the rights of minority populations outweigh commitment to the common good?(NOTE: THIS COURSE IS PART OF THE UNYLC FOREIGN LANGUAGE CONSORTIUM. HOST SCHOOL IS SIENA. PLEASE SEE THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE OR THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT FOR A REGISTRATION FORM AND GUIDELINES.).

FRN 457C. Rebellion & Belonging in French History & Politics 1789-2017. 3 Credit Hours.

The French Revolution of 1789 will launch this survey of the major events that led to the construction of Modern France. Since the Revolutions outbreak, observers have debated several key questions: What is the legacy of the French Enlightenment? What were the causes of the French Revolution? How did the Napoleonic conquests raise resistance in European societies while creating a new social order? In what ways was the Haussmann architectural reforms of Paris a response to the culture of the barricade? Was the Paris Commune a pre-communist movement? Who were the heroes of the Rsistance during World War II and how did their ideals and struggles shape a new role model for the post-war generations? We will also examine the cultural changes that led to the end of the De Gaulle era, the Mai 68 uprising, the sexual revolution, and the adhesion of France to a new and peaceful European ideal. Was the 2017 presidential election a democratic reaction against the traditional two-party system? In this class, we will interrogate over two centuries of French history since 1789, reading across the disciplines. (NOTE: This course is part of the UNYLC Foreign Language Consortium. THIS COURSE IS ONLINE. Host School is: Canisius. PLEASE SEE THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE FOR A REGISTRATION FORM AND GUIDELINES).