Sociology (SOC)
SOC 101. Introductory Sociology. 3 Credit Hours.
An introduction to sociology's contributions toward an understanding of men and women and their social world. The course examines social interaction as the basis of social behavior and the foundation of social groups. Sociological concepts and methodology are used to provide meaning and understanding of such phenomena as gender roles, the development of the self, the family, social class and stratification, deviant behavior, behavior in organizations and bureaucracy, urban life, power and politics and social change. Required of all sociology majors. No prerequisite.
SOC 144. Introduction to Race in American Society. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of race in American Society. It draws on the scholarship in the fields of business, humanities, and the social sciences to help students see the impact of race on life in contemporary America. No prerequisite.
Fulfills Core Requirement: Diversity (DIV).
Cross-listed Courses: RAS 101
SOC 200. Career Pract & Prof Computing Soc/Crim. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on: (1) the discipline and profession of sociology/criminology; (2) career exploration and career development skills for undergraduate sociology/criminology majors; (3) professional writing skills; (4) graduate and professional school exploration and advising; (5) applied sociology/criminology and action anthropology; (6) professional socialization; (7) computer literacy in research and presentation of self both in person and on the Internet; and (8) professional ethics.
SOC 201. Research Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an introduction to the research methodologies employed by social scientists. Major analytic issues covered in the course include measurement validity and reliability, the grounds for making causal inferences, sampling and research ethics. Major techniques to be studied include participant observation, survey research, experimentation, intensive interviewing and evaluation research. Required of all sociology/ criminology majors.
Prerequisites: ANT 101, ANT 102, SOC 101, CJS 101 or PSC 101 and MTH 110.
SOC 202. Gender and Crime. 3 Credit Hours.
This interdisciplinary course examines crime and criminal justice as gendered phenomena. It explores how notions of masculinity and femininity shape and are shaped by criminalized practices, the operation of the criminal justice system, and our understandings of both. Focusing on gender does not mean focusing exclusively on women. Gender is a relational concept; both men and women are gendered. In this course we will consider the implications of feminist theorizing for a range of criminological concepts, approaches, and themes. Case studies from various social contexts (e.g. the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc.) will help students develop cultural sensitivity and a more complete understanding of our social world. Additionally, the course will develop students' ability to think critically about gender and crime from an intersectional standpoint. Historical and contemporary works by criminologists, anthropologists, sociologists, feminist theorists, and others will be reviewed. An auxiliary aim of this course is to develop students' capacity to read and write academic texts efficiently and effectively.
Fulfills Core Requirement(s): Diversity (DIV)and Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS).
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 202, ANT 202, PGS 202, GWS 202, GLA 202
SOC 203. Sociology of Sport. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides an introduction to examine sports through a sociological perspective by examining various purposes, theories, methods and ideas of the institution of sport. By a variety of course readings, critical discussions, video and assignments, students in this course are encouraged to view sports and physical activity from a sociological lens, and to form their own critical insights into established structural realities, power relations, and social forces that shape, and are shaped by the institution of sports. This course will examine a variety of important topics within the sociology of sport. (e.g. race, class, gender, sexuality, media, activism, cultural power, etc). A central foundation of the course requires students to apply a sociological imagination to their own consumption of, and participation in sports within their own lives.
SOC 205. Race, Gender & Popular Culture. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is a sociological exploration of how Race and gender shape popular culture. The course will examine how Race and gender shape social institutions such as sports, music, television/film, and social media among other aspects of culture. Students will become familiar with classical theories of Race including This Dubois, Omi & Winant, and also more contemporary theories such as intersectionality and Colorblind race theory.
Cross-listed Courses: GWS 205
SOC 220. The Criminal Justice System. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines the criminal justice system and its effects on individuals within the system. It also considers the criminal justice systems effects on individuals both inside and outside the system with respect to the commission of crime.
SOC 225. Gangs and Criminal Community. 3 Credit Hours.
This course introduces students to gang-life as an urban phenomenon that starts in the 19th century and that in the 2000s is diffused across the margins and illicit flows of the global economy. Students will read memoirs of members of gang communities, with attention to notions of agency and iconoclasm, situating gang life in a continuum of political resistance. We will aslo look at the history of modern transnational gangs as a view into the history of displacement, modern war, and the pre-history to the discourses surrounding "global terrorism", giving students the tools for a critical reading of current debates around state security, "organized crime", and sovereignty.
SOC 226. Extreme Murder. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines the phenomenon of extreme murder. In particular, serial killers, spree killers, and mass murderers - as well as the circumstances surrounding these events - are explored. Other egregious types of offenders may also be reviewed. Throughout the duration of the course, students will learn about infamous killers as well as those who are less recognized in media and popular culture, and the impact of the crimes on persons and society. Students in this course will study copious cases and take a multidimensional approach to critically examine risk factors/causes underlying such violence. In addition to discussing offenders, victims and the context within which victims and offenders interact (the criminal event perspective) will be analyzed. Special attention will be given to sex and gender, among other variables such as race and class. Students will also explore theory and give thought to deterministic, social, cultural, and other explanations. Importantly, they will come to understand how criminological and sociological research has contributed to knowledge (e.g. through qualitative and quantitative techniques) and shaped practice (e.g. criminal profiling, risk assessment, proactive policing, victim-services, etc.).
SOC 231. Marriage and Families. 3 Credit Hours.
A social scientific study of contemporary and historical forms of marriage and family life in America. We will compare different types of American families with family structures in other parts of the world and other historical periods. We will study interactions between family systems and work, education, health care and legal systems and focus on their public policy implications.
Cross-listed Courses: GWS 231
SOC 232. Family Violence. 3 Credit Hours.
Using sociological perspectives, this course will examine family violence including the abuse of partners, children and elders. It will focus on understanding the origins and the larger forces leading to and reinforcing family violence, and as well as on the microdynamics of violence within families. It will also examine how family violence varies across differences such as race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.
SOC 240. Social Welfare. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will provide an historical overview of social welfare policy, both public and private, as it has evolved from medieval alms-giving to modern welfare statism. Welfare's costs and benefits, structure and relationship to other parts of society will be examined. Relevant sociological theories will be reviewed, with particular attention to the way they have been applied to problems of social welfare. The social work profession will be examined sociologically.
Cross-listed Courses: GWS 240
SOC 241. Social Inequality. 3 Credit Hours.
An analysis of contemporary developments in stratification theory from both the conflict and structural-functional perspectives. Differences between and among social groups are examined in detail as they are manifested in socialization, educational opportunities, occupational status, life styles, income and health. Special emphasis is placed on the concept of class and the changing American class structure, female status attainment and poverty.
Prerequisite: SOC 101 or CJS 101.
Fulfills Core Requirement(s): DIVERSITY (DIV).
Cross-listed Courses: GWS 241
SOC 244. Race and Ethnic Relations. 3 Credit Hours.
Race and ethnicity are a significant aspect of American society, especially as one of the main modes of social stratification. This class will introduce students to the major understanding of and critical thinking about race in the United States. This class will also encourage students to examine race in the U.S., with an emphasis on class, gender and urban life. At the end of this class, students should be familiar with the social importance that race and ethnicity play in everyday life.
SOC 265. Population/Demography. 3 Credit Hours.
A sub-discipline of sociology, demography is the scientific study of populations. This course treats elementary demographic measures and techniques. Within a sociologically and historically grounded framework, it examines the components of population change (natality, mortality and migration) as well as the effects of the size and composition of a population upon institutions and social problems. The course might examine, for instance, the effects of population stability or change upon the family, housing, education, markets for various products and/or the quality of the environment. Policy making to shape population conditions will also be considered.
SOC 303. Social Theory in Anthro/Sociol. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores sociological and anthropological theory by studying a number of the classical thinkers in the disciplines. We study the origins of and interrelationships among these theories in their particular social and historical milieus, as well as their relevance to sociology and anthropology today. The student is expected to gain both a competence in the historical development of social scientific theory and an ability to theorize about social phenomena.
Prerequisites: SOC 201 (CJS 201/PSC 202) or ANT/GWS/PGS 200 or permission of instructor.
Fulfills Core Requirement(s): DIV.
Cross-listed Courses: ANT 303
SOC 305. Criminological Theory. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior. Various theoretical perspectives (e.g. psychological, biological, sociological, etc.) are reviewed, along with their respective solutions, for crime and criminality in American society Different types of offenses are also explored (e.g. violent crime, property crime, victimless crime, corporate crime, etc.). By critically examining theories of crime causation, students gain an understanding of the social forces which shape and contribute to the commission of crime and criminal events in American society.
Prerequisites: ANT 101 or CJS 101 or SOC 101 or permission of the instructor.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 305
SOC 310. Aging and Society. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will examine aging as an individual and a social process. The focus will be on the social process of growing old in America. Students will be exposed to the effects society exerts on its aging population. Topics will include the demographic structure, current theories of aging, the effects of economic, political and psychological considerations on aging.
SOC 311. Sociology of Work. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on issues related to work, the workplace and work life. Issues involving social relations at work, authority stuctures, work and social identity, equality and inequality are addressed, as are differences between professional and managerial, production and service occupations. Major controversises in the field will be discussed and debated.
Prerequisites: ANT 101, CJS 101, MGT 301, PSY 101, SOC 101 or WER 101.
SOC 321. Law, Society and Social Science. 3 Credit Hours.
The structure and functions of law as an institution are analyzed from the perspectives of classical and contemporary social scientific theories. The legal processes of the assignment of responsibility, the resolution of disputes, the distribution of social rewards and the imposition of sanctions are studied in cross-cultural perspective. Attention is also focused on the use of social scientific knowledge by legal institutions.
Prerequisites: ANT 101 or CJS 101 or PSC 101 or PSY 101 or SOC 101 and MTH 110 or MTH 111 or STA 201.
SOC 322. Economics of Crime and Punishment. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines contemporary issues of crime, punishment, and criminal justice from an economic perspective. Basic economic concepts such as rational choice, opportunity costs, cost-benefit analysis, and supply and demand provide insights into criminal justice concerns. Public policies for crime control are assessed with consideration of underlying economic realities and economic effects. Contemporary topics may include effectiveness of alternative crime control measures and 'tough on crime' public policies, costs, and benefits of incarceration, the war on drugs, gun control, and capital punishment. Readings are drawn from the Social Sciences; with the focus on applying economic methods to evaluate criminal justice issues. No prerequisites.
SOC 323. Juvenile Delinquency. 3 Credit Hours.
After examining the causes of delinquency among juveniles and the various ways of treating delinquents, the second part of the course focuses on juvenile court: the history of the juvenile court movement, current procedures employed by the juvenile court and its relationship with other community agencies that deal with delinquents.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 323
SOC 325. Poverty & Social Justice in Legal System. 3 Credit Hours.
The class will explore the concept of social justice, with a special emphasis on the root causes and persistence of poverty, and how the legal system confronts, changes or contains those problems.
SOC 326. Deviance. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is a thematic introduction to sociology; it presents basic concepts and principles of sociological and criminal analysis. Different types of deviant behaviors are examined and explained using both individualistic and social structural theories. Students will acquire the tools needed to conduct a critical analysis of any social behaviors, including deviance.
Prerequisite: SOC 101 or CJS 101.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 326
SOC 327. Food and Culture. 3 Credit Hours.
Is Indian curry an acquired taste or are we born with "taste"? Is eating organic, local or vegan just a fad or a sustatinable way of life? Or "are we really what we eat?" Culture and food is an interdisciplinary seminar that examines how culture shapes and interacts with food in society. Culture, religion, race, class and gender frame our experiences, relationships with and understandings of food. Students will employ a variety of theoretical perspectives to examine these relationships including social theory, feminist philosophy, and post-colonial theory. Exploring the works of Uma Narayan, Lisa Heldke, George Simmel, Appadurai, Edward Said and Pierre Bourdieu this course will also develop both a sociological and philosophical understanding of the study of food. Junior standing required.
Fulfills Core Requirement(s): Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS).
SOC 335. Economics of Poverty. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines poverty in the United States from an economic perspective. Using the basic concepts of economic analysis, it considers several dimensions of poverty, including the U.S. income distribution, the measurement and incidence of poverty, the characteristics of the poor, and the causes and consequences of poverty. It also provides an overview of the structure, history, and effectiveness of public policy aimed at alleviating poverty.
Cross-listed Courses: ECO 335
SOC 341. Hum Svc Caseload Mgt-Theory & Svc Learn. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores the field of human services caseload management, as well as the processes, skill base and understandings involved in the human services workplace. This involves surveying the many community needs that human services agencies fulfill within society, with particular attention to the organizational process and strategies that such agencies employ toward their stated "missions". Service Learning is an integral part of this exploration. Building on a foundation of Human Services theory and an awareness of contemporary socio-economic and demographic trends, the field experience of our class members will become the vehicle for refining our understanding of the many nuances involved in caseload management in today's profession.
Prerequisites: SOC 240 and 6 credits in subject areas of ACT ECO EDU PSC PSY or CJS.
Corequisite: SOC 490.
SOC 343. Immigration. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines the topic of immigration from multiple perpectives: historical comparison between current and previous waves of immigrants, politcal debates over what we should do locally and nationally, the complex economic and social impacts of immigrants(both legal and unauthorized), the changing legal environment, comparative immigration policies, and the post-9/11 national security implications of immigration. This course aims to have you explore and challenge your own views, try to make sense of completing arguments and evidence, and gain a respect for perspectives not your own. A visit to the National Immigration Museum at Ellis Island may be planned.
Fulfills Core Requirement(s): Diversity (DIV).
SOC 344. Gender and Society. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines the processes and institutions through which gender is constructed and operates in society. It analyzes how gender serves to organize everyday life as well as how such institutions as work, education and marriage take their form according to historically variable contexts of gender relations. Gender will be considered in a cross-cultural context, as well as in interaction with race/ethnicity and class. Students will employ a variety of theoretical perspectives to examine these relationships.
Prerequisite: GWS 101, PSC 101 or SOC 101.
Cross-listed Courses: GWS 344
SOC 345. Conflict Resolution. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce students to the field of conflict resolution. It will include an overview of the history and theories of the field and some of the major critiques of present theories and practices. The course also will provide students with an understanding of the spectrum of role professionals in conflict resolution undertake. Students will gain selected conflict resolution skills and come to understand conflict experientially by participating in three role plays demonstrating issues associated with inter-personal, inter-group and organizational conflict.
Prerequisites: SOC 101, CJS 101, ANT 101, ANT 102, or EDU 105.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 345
SOC 351. Victimology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course analyzes and scientifically examines the physical, emotional, and financial impact of crime on its victims. Specific types of victims and crime will be studied, including homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, child maltreatment, elder abuse, and assault. This in-depth course requires the student to analyze restitution issues, the treatment of victims by the criminal justice system, victims' rights legislation, and contemporary trends in the treatment of victims.
Prerequisites: SOC 101, CJS 101, PSY 101 or GWS 101.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 351
SOC 365. Death and Dying. 3 Credit Hours.
An interdisciplinary approach to understanding the process of dying and death. The course presents the findings of social science on when, where and under what conditions people die in modern society, how these situational factors have changed, and how they influence the experience of dying. It attempts a sociocultural and religious understanding of the meaning of death and bereavement, and their impact on family members and friends, as well as on society. The theological meaning of death will be treated.
SOC 365S. Death & Dying: Service Learning. 1 Credit Hour.
Service Learning experience.
SOC 369. Sociology of Religion. 3 Credit Hours.
The relationship between religion and society is complex, dynamic, and ever-changing. It has been at the root of sociology itself since the discipline began and was central to the work of many of its founders. In this course, you will use a sociological perspective to examine this relationship between religion and society. Much of the class will deal with American forms of religion, but we will also consider examples of religion outside of the U.S. context. Fulfills Core diversity requirement.
Cross-listed Courses: REL 369
SOC 390. Independent Study in Sociology. 1-6 Credit Hours.
A student who wishes to pursue an independent study project in sociology for academic credit must submit, prior to registration, a proposed plan of study that includes the topic to be studied and goal to be achieved, the methodology to be followed, schedule of supervision, end product, evaluation procedure and number of credits sought. The proposal must be approved by the supervising faculty member, the department chair and the academic dean. It will be kept on file in the academic dean's office.
SOC 396. Race, Gender and Justice. 3 Credit Hours.
This course critically examines major theories, research findings, policies, and controversies concerning race, gender, and crime in the context of social justice. In terms of disciplinary affirmation, the focus is on criminology theory, but with a predisposition towards ways in which questions of social justice can be viewed from a sociological perspective. The first objective of the course is to debunk the myth that there is a cast iron boundary between questions of criminal justices and social justice. Along with this objective is the need to provide students who are interested in pursuing a criminal justice career an awareness of key discourses in criminology in conjunction with a keen sense of empathy required for the maintenance of social order in an increasingly diversified universe. The second objective of the course is to explore how theoretical insights can provide the tools for making sense of the vast amount of data and information on crime and the criminal justice system especially as it relates to debates and contestation on questions of race, ethnicity, and gender. Students will get the opportunity to explore the main sources used for research. This will enable us to achieve our third objective; in what ways can our findings inform social policy in the desire to provide equal justice for all. We shall conclude our exploration by returning to our starting place: Can race, ethnicity, and gender be useful analytic categories?
SOC 401. Soc Perspect in Social Psych. 3 Credit Hours.
This is an advanced course in social psychology from the sociological perspective. It is the study of the relationship between individuals and the society in which they live. The student explores the effect social forces have on individuals in areas such as attitudes and behavior, attitude change, social influence, conformity and deviance, attraction, prejudice and discrimination and socialization within the framework of a sociological social psychology. Also thoroughly examined and compared are the theories and methods of both psychological and sociological social psychologies.
Prerequisites: CJS/SOC 201 and SOC 303 or CJS 305; or by permission of instructor.
SOC 402. Program Evaluation Research Methods And Policy. 3 Credit Hours.
The goal of this course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the use of behavioral science research methods and theories for program and intervention evaluations. Topics given special emphasis include: measurement strategies and problems, needs assessment, experimental and quasi-experimental field designs, qualitative methods, benefit-cost analysis, statistical approaches to modeling bias and the use of evaluation results in the policy process.
SOC 441. Capston Course: Race in American Society. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an interdisciplinary capstone to the study of Race in American Society. It draws on the scholarship in the fields of business, humanities, and the social sciences to help students develop a project that will have an impact on race in America.
Prerequisite: RAS 101 or permission of the instructor.
Cross-listed Courses: RAS 401
SOC 444. Gender and Global Violence. 3 Credit Hours.
This course uses sociological and feminist theory to examine gender and global violence. It will examine how race, gender, sexual orientation, globalization, war and religious affiliation impact violence against women in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle-East. Students will develop an understanding of gendered violence in a global context with an emphasis on policy making and cultural sensitivity.
Prerequisite: SOC 101, ANT 101, PSC 101, CJS 101 or GWS 101 or by permission of instructor.
SOC 451. Capstone Course in Criminology and Sociology. 3 Credit Hours.
This is the capstone course for the criminology and sociology curricula. The course provides a forum where students can demonstrate mastery of the tools acquired throughout their curricula including content knowledge and skills for conducting social science research. Students will examine topics of interest, review the scholarly literature on these topics and conduct empirical research thata answers one or more questions on these topics. The final product of this course is a piece of scholarly/professional writing.
Prerequisites: CJS 101 or SOC 101, MTH 111, CJS or SOC 201, and SOC 303 or CJS 305.
Cross-listed Courses: CJS 451
SOC 490. Internship in Sociology. 1-6 Credit Hours.
Participation in a field learning experience closely related to one of the areas of sociology. The student intern will meet regularly with his or her supervisor in the agency and/or will report as required to the faculty member assigned to supervise the field experience. Students are expected to apply what they have learned in the academic program to the field experience. An evaluation of the field experience will also be required. The internship and placement must be approved by the instructor. Three hours of field work per week are required to generate one credit hour. The number of credit hours to be awarded must be contracted for prior to registration. Prerequisite: Junior status and permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: CJS/SOC 201 and SOC 303; or permission of instructor.
SOC 495. Empirical Research. 3-6 Credit Hours.
A team of senior students designs and carries out an empirical research project. The actual experience of planning and doing research provides students with an opportunity to review and integrate major sectors of what they have learned in their coursework. Responsibility for planning and carrying out the project rests with the students. The instructor serves as a resource person, available to offer advice or teach what is needed to solve technical problems. It is the instructor's responsibility to see that the project can be completed with the available resources and within the time constraints of a semester. The instructor also evaluates the work of students. While a student's work load in this kind of project varies from week to week, he or she is required to budget an average of nine hours per week for independent/group/class work on the project.
SOC 496. Honors Project in Sociology. 3-6 Credit Hours.
The nature of the project is determined by the mentor and the student. The due dates for each draft as well as the number of credit hours the student is to receive is contracted for prior to registration.
SOC 499. Research in Sociology. 3-6 Credit Hours.
An upper-class student who wishes to undertake a sociological research project for academic credit during a given semester must submit a research proposal prior to registration and a research report at the end of the semester. The proposal must be approved by the research director, the department chair and the academic dean. The proposal will be kept on file in the academic dean's office.